Breaking up: 5 useful podcasts to move forward

In the depths of love, separation is like a real tsunami. All the delights of life take on a bitter flavor and each moment of loneliness is accompanied by a torrent of tears. Unquestionably, feelings of hatred, sadness and nostalgia collide in people's minds. "It doesn't stick between us anymore, I prefer that we stop there", short but scathing words that reduce the heart to crumbs.

Heartbreak is a traumatic experience, but can sometimes be lifesaving. The road to recover an ounce of happiness is rocky. Fortunately, in the 2.0 universe, podcasts become heroes, they bring relief to our ills and erase the bad memories of the breakup. Reasoned voices, dented life paths, optimistic testimonies... Within this auditory cocoon, wisdom resonates. The page of the past turns and inner renewal takes shape.

With the crisis, unions are collapsing

With the crisis as a backdrop, separations 2.0 have become widespread. Even more devastating, they occur without warning. According to an Ifop poll, 1 in 10 couples planned to distance themselves after the first confinement. Forced cohabitation, underlying anxiety, sleep disorder, unsustainable long-distance relationship, so many aggravating factors that have disrupted unions. Even more radical decision: 4% of French people have decided to break up definitively.

To get out of this nightmarish spiral and repair the painful breakup, podcasts are emerging as effective antidotes. With their intimate side, they immerse us in captivating and beneficial stories. This format without images can have therapeutic effects. Podcasts put words to our emotions and help us come to terms with this brutal transition. They are the crutch to lean on when the blues hit. Headphones or earphones plugged in, soft lighting, cozy atmosphere… the virtuous immersion can begin.

1 - EX…

"It's not necessarily ex stories, but rather extraordinary stories"... This is the red thread of this podcast created by Agathe Lecaron. Anonymous from all walks of life testify without filter and deliver authentic stories. Each story lifts the veil on the thousand and one facets of love, from tumults to disillusions through the discovery of a soul mate. Over the course of the various episodes, words sometimes tinged with hatred, disgust or, on the contrary, passion, remain in memory.

In a surge of positivity, these strangers share a part of their intimacy. We find the confession of a sympathizer of the FN who falls madly in love with an Iranian migrant or the story of a woman who had 5 children with a very handicapped man. Beautiful messages of hope that prove that each event gives rise to new behaviors. And at the heart of "The Declaration", Elsa does a work of introspection and plunges back into her breakup. The young woman put an end to nine years of relationship and thanks to this decision, she was able to meet her true alter ego.

2 - The Love Clinic

Couple life, often idealized, can also be complex. Incessant conflicts, jealousy, frustrations, the feeling of suffocation, the desire to send everything flying... these plural and natural feelings come to upset the unions. This informative podcast is proof of that. In a public hospital in the South of France, a psychiatrist and a psychologist receive couples who are going through storms and storms. On the verge of breaking up, everyone empty their bags in front of the professionals. Armed with their resentment, their doubts and their sickly pride, they show their feverish faces. To save their unions from the waters, they attempt to untangle the knots of evil.

The sessions take on the appearance of a stress relief. The two partners reveal their flaws in broad daylight, they no longer hide their weaknesses. This podcast, which accurately examines modern couples, proves that love is far from being a long calm river. Before opting for an irreversible decision, it is essential to communicate in all sincerity.

To discover on France Culture.

3 - Heartaches

Great philosophers, renowned writers, and groundbreaking scientists have always been fascinated by romantic behavior. Loss of appetite, disturbed sleep, depression, isolation… during a breakup, several symptoms reverse our state of health. The overwhelming news sticks to our skin and rings like an echo. To contrast this dull morale, the "Heartache" podcast lists strong and moving testimonials that will help you get back on the path to happiness.

Behind these distressing heartaches also hide unsuspected advantages. This is an opportunity to rediscover yourself, to take time for yourself, to cherish yourself, but above all to be reborn. In turn, women open up and display their celibate status with an optimistic eye. Juliette, for example, recounts her impossible idyll from a distance, Adeline confides in her frozen, almost bland relationship and Céline explains how she escaped the clutches of a toxic man. All of them have taken over the reins of their lives and are crunching every moment to the fullest. Proof that rupture does not rhyme with fatality.

4 - Single

In our society, celibacy is often perceived as a failure. However, it is also a choice of life synonymous with independence and unconditional freedom. From the age of 30, the pressure increases tenfold. "You're too picky that's why you can't find anyone"; "It's obvious, you'll never have children if you don't get together right away"; "You're too homely, that's not how you're going to find love"... So many revolting phrases that weigh on the minds of single people. Fortunately more and more women claim an assumed choice and dare to leave these "predefined" boxes.

For those who remain complexed by their love situation, the "Single" podcast is a gold mine. It contains sincere and poignant testimonies. Surrounded by friends as a couple, Maéva suffered from the gaze of others. But by gaining height, she decided to detach herself from these unfounded opinions to accept herself. “The others manage it and not me”, Célia, she has the impression of being abnormal. But a message of hope emerges at the end of each listening. "Life is not a race, everyone at their own pace"... A key phrase to memorize urgently. This podcast redraws all the benefits of singleness.

5 - Emotions

Since the Covid has pushed the doors of our daily lives, curious love trends have also flourished. Zuping, maskfishing, corona cuffing... a new kind of Anglo-Saxon lexicon that illustrates negative practices. In times of confinement, relations have been disrupted. This forced camera has pushed some couples into an unbearable routine. Cries of anger pass through the walls of the apartment, disagreements become widespread and the flame of love fades as the days go by. But a breakup in the middle of quarantine does even more damage.

Between loneliness, loss of confidence, and lack of social ties… depression sets in without warning. This podcast comes as a backup to get you out of these troubled waters. Cyrielle Bedu, who holds the microphone, inspects all the emotions that cross us. It helps to better understand the origin of the malaise and to accelerate the work of introspection. Nostalgia, resentment, jealousy, suffering... all these passages are dissected to help you see more clearly. Pedagogical support, this podcast allows you to put an end to the past and move forward with serenity.

Brutal ruptures on the web

According to INSEE data, one in three French people has experienced a breakup in their life. This pivotal step, which seems insurmountable, has evolved over time. Our ancestors met at popular balls and kept the flame alive by post. Today, dating applications are becoming normalized, text messages are on the rise and the first dates are online. But relationships are shortened and fleeting stories follow one another.

At the heart of this pitiless virtual space, conquered souls are quickly disillusioned. The modern-day Cupid sometimes shoots poisonous arrows into the daily lives of individuals in distress. Thus, after surveying these various podcasts, the grief fades and new horizons emerge. Say goodbye to this tormented life, finally embark on a victorious and uninhibited epic. The thinker Nietzsche said: "Everything that does not kill makes you stronger". So, gently raise the barometer of happiness.