Linda Hardy poses in lingerie, Internet users love it, she is sublime!

Linda Hardy shared a snapshot of her that did not leave fans indifferent. The former beauty queen does not hesitate to reveal herself in a very light outfit. The opinions are unanimous: it is sublime.

Valerie Hommez(08/13/2021)

While the current climate is rather changeable and far from being lenient throughout the territory, Linda Hardy is making a remarkable media outing. If the former beauty queen hesitates to bring out a little wool, she nevertheless takes the opportunity to reveal her pretty lace. A photo on which the magnificent brunette thus offers a breathtaking view of her graceful silhouette. Objeko therefore comes back to you on this publication because of the enthusiasm aroused by this shot.

Linda Hardy: absolutely radiant, she ignites the web

A forty-something perfectly well in her own skin

Obviously, the years seem to have no bearing on Linda Hardy's energy and grace. Aged 47 today, the former Miss France demonstrates once again that she has lost none of her superb. On social networks, the pretty brunette actually appears in a way that allows her community to discover her incredible power of attraction. Very well in her body, and very well in her head, the ex-beauty queen recently revealed her secrets to achieve such a balance.

Last May, Linda Hardy promoted her latest book. In a book titled Happy and Fit, the model and actress actually shares her life philosophy for getting through all the stages of life: "I share all my tips and secrets to better understand this wonderful period of life". In this illustrated guide, the magnificent brunette thus evokes sport, diet, beauty and balance in general. As she approaches her fifties, she helps the reader find the right balance to savor life to the fullest. A method that seems to work perfectly and of which she is the first ambassador. It must indeed be recognized that time seems to behave like a real gentleman with this beauty queen always in top form. Objeko tells you more.

Life at 100 per hour

Elected the most beautiful woman in France in 1992, Linda Hardy very quickly demonstrated a large number of other abilities. After making her debut as an animator alongside Thierry Ardisson in Tout le monde en parle, she quickly began a career as an actress. Seen in a large number of feature films from the early 2000s, television will offer him a real springboard. Thanks to her roles in the series Alice Nevers, Commissioner Cordier, Research Section and of course Tomorrow belongs to us, she manages to forge a special bond with the public.

If the actress was delighted with her role as Clémentine Doucet in the hit series of TF1, the adventure has however recently ended. A rupture which does not prevent her from being perfectly fulfilled in her life and which offers her the possibility today of considering new perspectives. Very happy in her professional career, Linda Hardy admits to having never been so much in agreement with herself. Even if today, she is approaching 50, this period of her life is far from worrying her. The great thing with the passage of time is that no one will be completely spared (…) I am not fighting all these little signs of aging and for the moment I do not want to leave the scalpel come into my life. But it's true that it took me time, there's a bit of work on me to accept my physical development”.

Always on top

Very proud of the image she reflects, Linda Hardy has no problem showing off in outfits that particularly highlight her. Thus, a few days ago, she agreed to pose in front of the lens on a snapshot where she reveals her prettiest lace. Dressed in a small woolen vest, her subscribers can actually discover her immoderate taste for beautiful things. A golden opportunity for his followers to once again be able to admire a woman who has lost none of her splendor.

It was enough for a huge wave of positive comments with the most laudatory adjectives. Internet users find it as follows: “Sublime”, “Beautiful”, “Too pretty”. Reactions that all go in the same direction to underline an elegance and a mad class. In just a few moments, Linda Hardy therefore delighted her more than 200,000 followers who are always very enthusiastic about the idea of ​​finding her on the screen, a publication which immediately garnered 8,000 mentions, likes and hundreds of glowing comments. . Some even seem to have trouble supporting his gaze and admit to being speechless in front of so much beauty.

Linda Hardy

Valerie Hommez

As a web editor, I am keen to inform my readers about all the themes that make the news! From celebrity news to political information, I keep you informed of everything that happens in the world on a daily basis.