For its third anniversary, Septem invites the festive spirit

Three years ago, Jessica Troisfontaine was a business law lawyer. A prestigious profession that commands the admiration of many, but in which she does not flourish. One day, she finds the strength to admit this difficult truth to herself and quits her job to pursue the career that really suits her: that of a fashion designer. "I started with jumpsuits because it was really my fetish product, she recalls, but also because, not being a stylist, I preferred to launch an expert brand of something rather than going all over the place. and do mediocre work. Its concept: to offer a different combination for each day of the week and to ensure comfort and elegance for its owner. The brand's discourse is in tune with the times, between feminist commitment and feel good vibes, pushing women to "take power" by assuming and loving themselves as they are. In this approach, Jessica Troisfontaine launched almost simultaneously the podcast "Septem Club", in which she invites women with inspiring backgrounds to tell their stories.

From dream to reality

Three years have passed since the launch of the Parisian label and its founder finally feels legitimate in her role as designer. To the signature combinations are now added a few jackets, dresses, t-shirts and pants. “I realized that not everyone wanted to dress in wetsuits every day (laughs). I started introducing jackets, because that's what complements our flagship piece, and then I expanded the wardrobe. But the heart of Septem will always remain the combinations. On the other hand, I can clearly see that consumers are in demand since, at the moment, among our three best sellers are two overalls and the safari jacket”. Each season, the iconic ones are renewed in signature and temporary colors while new ones come to shape the collection of the moment.

Spring is the time to celebrate. First, with three party jumpsuits, crafted in noble and precious materials. "I was looking for really exceptional fabrics that I'm not used to using because they're too expensive. I thought it was an opportunity to go a little further, but I did very little because I don't know how the client will react. The most expensive of the three is 430 euros while my price range is normally around 250 and 350 euros”. Then, the “Trois Printemps” line, which retraces the history of the brand in three stages. “The first part is about the notion of elegance, with lots of navy blue and timeless cuts, which has really defined the Septem style since its inception. The second refers to a sexier aspect, these are pieces that we wear more to go out, which happened later. The last is commitment, which is quite recent. Today, we talk a lot about commitment, but ultimately, it means everything and nothing. From the beginning, that towards women has been a priority, but the aspect of responsibility in terms of the subjects chosen has not always been present”.

For his third birthday, Septem invites l 'party spirit

On the ecological level, Jessica Troisfontaines does not hide the fact that she still has progress to make. “As a young brand, it is very complicated to have access to 100% responsible fabrics. It's something we're working on, but it's going to take time. The vast majority of suppliers do not offer eco-responsible alternatives and when you find them, they are gigantic quantities that as a small fashion label, you do not necessarily have the means to buy. I've been looking for months and I finally found interesting leads, but it's a titanic job. For the moment, 1/3 of the collection is designed in environmentally friendly materials, the goal being to improve ourselves from collection to collection”.

Three years after the launch of Septem, the objective remains the same: to continue to encourage women to feel strong and good about themselves. “Often, when we talk about strength, we think of a somewhat bulldozing, almost aggressive side,” laments the designer. In my eyes, a strong woman is a woman who assumes her choices and her desires. It does not mean that we are invincible and that we do not have moments of doubt or blues, but that we will not let them define us”. Long live Septem!