Dr Love: Lingerie, does that count or not?

« La lingerie, c’est hyper important pour moi. Ce n’est pas compliqué : je préfère une fille en dessous sexy que nue ! Bon évidemment après, j’adore tout lui enlever… C’est quand même le but ! Dentelle ou coton, je n’ai pas de préférence, mais j’aime que ce soit coordonné et beau. »Dr Love : La lingerie, ça compte ou pas ? Dr Love : La lingerie, ça compte ou pas ?

Mehdi, 37 years old

"I don't need my girlFriend to put all over again every day.A simple cotton ensemble makes me effect.But for a romantic evening, I appreciate that my darling makes an effort.I love lace and what excites me above all are the fishnet stockings!»»

Aurélien, 30 years old

"Lingerie is neither hot nor cold!"I remember a romantic weekend with an ex who turned to fiasco because of that.She had invested in a lace body and in the morning when she woke up, she was mouth because I hadn't noticed anything.I was burst and I fell asleep like a mass.She spent the night waiting for me to take her beautiful body!Fortunately, it arranged when I proved that I preferred her naked ... "

Aymeric, 25 years old

Dr Love : La lingerie, ça compte ou pas ?

"Makeup, lingerie, for me, all that is artifices and it's not my thing at all.My girlFriend really doesn't need that to please me.I prefer that she feels well in simple underwear rather than spending fortunes for Frills in which she will not feel comfortable!»»

Esteban, 28 years old

"I am not very difficult for lingerie.Thong, panties or boxers, I like everything as long as it is not a full-up panties.I remember an evening with a bomb.I was super excited.She undresses, she has a sexy push-up then below, filthy pants of an indefinable color with the elastic all distended.It cut me everything!I had only one desire: to light all the lights thoroughly to see if his sheets were clean!»»

Arnaud, 31 years old


If some guys need to be done in the lace to be on top below, others don't care.Assessment: Each does what they like!If you want to play it sexy, treat yourself.If you prefer comfort, too bad for darling, it will adapt.Only small downside: we pay attention to the state of his underwear to avoid the ultimate love kill: the stained and holes!


To make it crack ...

Play it sexy chic with a lace seaman and suggestive lacing.If with that, he does not give in to temptation ...

Female female "lust by dorcel", 39.99 euros, www.dorcelstore.com

To make you eat ...

To see more, Mr. will have to fall back in childhood by tasteing the treats that cover your private parts.Bonbon is you!

String and candy bra, 9.90 euros one, www.passage of.Fr

Le chifFre

74% of men think that female lingerie must above all be sexy, compared to 45% of women.For 47% of them, it is essential that it is comfortable.

According to a survey carried out on a panel of 950 people for the site 1001de below.com in 2014.

Marie-Pierre Galinon

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